Hub Ensemble Rehearsals and Pre-Registration May/June 2018

Pre-registration will take place in the hubs on the 23rd/24th May 2018 3-6pm. Parents/guardians can secure a place in our hub for their child for September. If you cannot make the pre-registration day please find an application form on our Application's page on this website and email the completed form to
Registration for new students will take place at the beginning of September 2018. Keep an eye on our Social Media for updates.
In preparation for the end of year concerts in our hubs we have decided to structure the end of the term rehearsals in a slightly different form. Ensemble/Group rehearsals will give children a valuable opportunity to play with other instruments and in a larger group. It is necessary in order to offer a quality, meaningful musical experience for the children and young people in the hub, as well as to properly showcase their hard work over the past few months.
Below is the new structure for each hub for the end of the term. Evan will be in contact with each parent/guardian with their new time slot.